Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Lost in my own little world
within the world at large,
Groping at nothing, no need
to take charge,
Little by little my mind melts
Stainless beneath formless off
some distant way,
So far, so good, sensation glisten
on smooth stainless,
Flesh is painless, blemishes fade,
Pale Jade, jaded, sauntering,
doesn't matter where,
Doesn't matter whom, nothing around
to care,
Love? Distant insanity cursing the
airwaves on every frequency,
No visuals, no mind, distant void
of some kind,
Lost in transit, receptors skipping,
charges nervous twitches in panic,
Don't panic, its' normal, its' all
under the illusion of control...
D.C. Chapman 8/24/2011