Saturday, April 4, 2020

No Idea.

I don’t know 
A puppet on a short tight

No idea how to think, no
Imagination of which to
One of the scrolling masses
Pushing that dopamine
D. C. Chapman

Escaping the Magic Box.

The world spins round and round as the masses hold tight in their boxes of dead trees, looking through holes sealed in with plates of transparent heated sand allowing them to look out, but at what? Their minds overlay the world with words and concepts, attempting to make sense, with no real sense at all.
No world is seen, just the world made, imagination, no real sense at all, not even made from inborn stuff, but pre-packaged programming, doing just what they are told, accepting just what they are told to accept, despite reality, despite what is in front of their eyes, for those have been beamed through a magic box of talking heads feeding manufactured ‘facts’ and ‘charts’ and ‘numbers’ based on ‘real things,’ no sense at all.

Infotainment is entertainment, all of it shoving pre-packaged mentalities, personalities, and values down the throats of the masses, cupping their mouths and forcing them to swallow whatever it is they are selling that particular News Cycle.
When attractive pretty faces are revealed for the empty soulless, mindless, ditzy tools they are, grasping for attention, or they might surely fade away to nothing, but nothing they are if their usefulness has no purpose.
All the sheep are in their pens, scanning endless old memes as their days and nights consist of nothing new under the sun, mindless, soulless, no original thought of their own, just what they are told to think, how they are told to behave, what they are told to value, doing what they are told to do. They have no minds, they have no hearts, they have no soul. Enjoying your dopamine distraction today?

D. C. Chapman

Main Attraction.

Headspace, between the program,
Reality peeking through,
Silence, radiant awakening, strange
Authority speaking true,

Distant whisper, nothing clear,
Draconian haze enticing
Closing walls, bolted doors,
Invisible, the willing prisoner,
The attraction in the Human Zoo...
D. C. Chapman