Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chaotic Tree of Life.

What's the matter TV
Afraid the movement was
never dead?
A word to the wise, better
left unsaid...

No monopoly here, these
thoughts aren't owned,
Skilfully honed with a
fine toothed comb,
You seemed to miss an
important tome...

Your eyes see nothing,
least of all this,
Sitting in your bliss
anointing this and

Waking up the sleeping
That was just old hat,
The old dogs are sleeping
at the open gate,
No room for seething foaming
mouths of hate...

The snake bids you enter, eat,
be free,
Let go the important things,
climb up and swing with

All plans shatter against
the point,
That Zero sum you seek to
That blade is aiming to
shatter your heart,
That blackened thing holding
the world apart...

Sheppard yourself away
from that self,
Throw down the thing, break
the ancient shelf,
No tome, no plan, just swinging
from a tree,
Lift the veil and let it all
hang free...

That chaotic entropy, the
end of complexity,
Such perplexity, no arrogance,
just curiosity,
While we're at it let's
burn the fucking tree...
(C) D.C. Chapman 5/20/2011

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