Friday, July 29, 2011

Eye of the Needle.

Attractor gravitating to
a standstill,
Pulling strong to repel
with frightening profundity,
To push away from that moment
too pure to comprehend,
That moment beyond words in
deep caress outside the
physical reach,
That touch, yearning so bad
for just one more touch,
Standing on the needle's eye
to pierce more flesh just
to feel... Something.
Something close to what
that was,
To melt into those eyes, those
dangerous, mysterious
No lies for no words to speak,
Nothing to seek as everything
lay bare,
Without a care for one moment in
Vibrations reaching frequencies
unseen in aeons,
Hypnotised by tides of deep
breathing waves,
Reaching climax when two
become one,
Powerful attractors of such
Unready, repelling the two
to farther extremes,
Unable to feel but pain in
Longing for that profundity,
Yearning for that touch beyond
Only the needle's eye remains,
in self deluded justification, both
components refrane in awe and
fear... Longing.
D. Chapman

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