Monday, September 17, 2012

Words Not Enough (Poem).

Insufficient, apologies not enough, wish
to show, and show,
Wish to stay that you might
Just to hold you and never
let go.

Never again to let you
Pick your head up and
keep it held high,
Taking nothing for
To never again say

Life may be complex,
but love is simple,
Though it crumbles inside
right now,
Yearning to get
back somehow.

That is worth every
last bit,
Begging, pleading,
having none of it.
In the end, as in the
Nothing more worth it
in the effort
of repenting.

No apologies, none
of that will do,
Just actions over words
in my efforts to
keep you.

Wishing beyond wishing
for the chance to
show you,
To prove that what I
say is what I do, that it is
true, anything to hold
D.C. Chapman 9/17/2012

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