Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bar the Door Geoffrey.

Bar the door Geoffrey,
Don't let them in,
Its' my cross to bear, don't
cry within,

Stand on your feet
again and mind the way
back home,
Let me take the pain
away somewhere far to

Bar the door Geoffrey,
Mind the eye away from
Holding tight I stand alone
and take away that

Mind ahead, steady, and
walk your way
I will keep the pain away and
sit alone in

Bar the door Geoffrey,
it was never your sin to keep,
Give it to me son, never
again to weep,

The realization in your eye
makes my heart so
To realize, without a doubt,
you're just like your Dad,

Bar the door Geoffrey, keep
that far away,
Live life in your own way...
(C) D.C. Chapman

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