Sunday, January 27, 2013


Distance shortened,
but lengthened
Ruined, bottle, transluscent,
they spill,

Jumbled microscopic,
chemical overload,
Uncertainty, transparency,
in attack mode,

Flip the switch to
the other side,
No reaching, can't reach,
hang on, they go for
a ride,

Back and forth in a
turbulent sea,
Rotations, induced, chained
in illusions so free,

No words where thought
says spoken,
Lives, wasted, battered,

Jumbled neurons, the
synapse entwined,
Nerves misfire, they've
hijacked the mind,

Kisses forgotten, and
misses replaced,
Lost in the halls, reality

Save a voice, somewhere,
down there,
'I'm over here, and I really
do care.'
(C) D.C. Chapman

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