Monday, January 14, 2013

Spider Webbed Glass.

Paces, keep in step,
traces, mind the
Lost, in figurative, 
at least imaginative, ever
in place, such
a sap...

But eyes for one, seeing
Forever torn, incomplete
and in retreat, 
Maybe, but maybe is
a gamble, 
Ramble on, shamble, 
tattered by the
self... Trample. 

Whatever, like a stone
alone, stuck at the
fork... No road.
Bodes the same in
either case, 
Alone, nary a mark
like that again, 
So, to sit, and here

Mind the gap, press
and step in line, 
Fine, though time proves
otherwise, wise? Not
at all, 
Far did I fall... Won't 
make that climb, 
Not this time... Besides
pained heart, the head
hurts, falling apart...
(C) D.C. Chapman

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