Saturday, March 30, 2013

Internal Blitzkrieg.

Sever the hook, cut the line,
sink the sinker, 
Destroy the roof, burn the walls, 
kill the thinker, 
Just another blinker on the
downside against it
Flipside up, but neither up
nor down, silence the voice before
it sounds the call. 

Drown the clown that thinks
its' something more, 
Demand, but what demands? Feeling
that pain of an open sore,
Constant, the jagged self cuts deep
to the core.

Shatter the pillars of the endless
Stare down the program and will
it all to die, 
Will the house to the ground and
set the gazeless to the sky.

True beneath what only runs skin
Bloodless wheeping but nothing left
to keep, 
Silent, spoken, no longer broken, a
wolf to herd the sheep...Go back to
(C) D.C. Chapman

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