Monday, October 1, 2012


Cracks abound as it
all falls down,
Go another round til
it finally hits the
Numb surface, panting,
heart beating, mind
Ranting... Something,
Nothing, shouting,
Cracks the head, unknown
from whence it came,

What a shame it fled, before
the score was bled,
Panting, concern, but bitter
dead, lost in the head
as the moment's a blur,
All but the madness, the
sadness, and thoughts
of her,

But then of the other, that
helpless other,
Lost in chaos somewhere
on the streets of
Mind snaps back, reboots,
same old story,

Concern, sadness, fingers
still numb,
Walk on, safety, feeling
really dumb,
Sane? Couldn't be more
Half whit without a brain,
Standing, breathing, letting
it drain,

Tears and fears, slumped,
back to the beginning,
Three steps forward, two
more back,
Head spinning, gray
and black...
(C) D.C. Chapman

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