Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trajectory Unknown.

Course, unknown, certainty
not shown,
Spark, small, but growing,
ever flowing, confusion,
In fusion, is this where you
want to be?

Reverse trajectory, but
point in present, some kind
of dichotomy,
Reactionary to the now, is this
really where you want to
Face on the faceless, standing
proud and strong,
But somehow wrong, the turn,
but turning is the way,

From night to day, vast
Inference of what you thought
was right,
Yet fight, still, with yourself,
against the trajectory

Own the matter and change
the mind,
Mind is all, but the leading
is blind,
Realization incomplete, wandering,
aimless, 'til the backups

Retrace, rewind, delete...
(C) D.C. Chapman

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