Saturday, October 13, 2012


No anger, no anxiety,
just open exposure and
Reasonable? Hopefully,

In that place, secure,
arms, wrapped around
Nothing else to fear,
Just love and the will
to be true,
There with you,

Happy, at all time, but
turbulent, sometimes,
That's life, as the clock
To that place, the summit
of all climbs,

Perspectives shift, but always
back to this,
Just thinking of you is ever radiant

Brushing all else aside, still
along for the ride,
Life is life, with the shifting
But changeless is this heart,
no matter how far apart,

Love you always, and love
you more,
Nothing to prove, just shift
and move,
Away from you now, the
worst kind of sore...
(C) D.C. Chapman 10/13/2012

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